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Protect Your Google Adsense Earning Potential

Protect Your Google Adsense Earning Potential By Avoiding Mistakes by Seth Willis Jr.

The Google Adsense program offers a great potential for a steady stream of income to its users. However, if you don't take the time to learn about how to optimize your earnings potential or fall prey to the temptation to use products, programs and so-called shortcuts that are claimed to bring fast, easy money, you can end up wasting or even losing the opportunities offered by Adsense. That's because many of those quick cash methods violate the terms of service of the program, which can result in losing the account, and not taking the time to understand how Google Adsense works can cause you to make far less than you should.

One of the first and most common mistakes that Google Adsense users make is to fail to take the time to read and understand the terms of service. If you do not know the rules, then you are unable to follow them as well as you should. If you are not familiar with the terms of service, then you may not realize that asking people to visit sponsors or to click an ad to help support your site is a violation, and could end up being penalized. Trying to trick visitors to click by blending clickable text or other means is also not acceptable. The terms of service set out very clearly what is acceptable and what methods are violations.

Another common mistake is to invest time, energy and sometimes money into programs, products, tips and shortcuts that promise to increase your Google Adsense earnings dramatically. Often these use methods that violate the letter or the spirit of the terms of service. Those that are outright violating those terms often also require time and effort to look as though the user is not using illicit means. By the time you do all of that, you may as well have spent that time and effort on doing it right.

That concept leads to one of the primary ways that users limit their potential to succeed with Google Adsense. It is a mistake to focus on your ads instead of your site. The most important element of your site, in terms of attracting both the relevant ads and the traffic that you want and need, is keyword rich content. However, many people do not invest enough time and effort in this area, and find themselves unsatisfied with the amount they earn from their ads.

Visitors that come to a site via search words arrive because of their interest in or need for information, products or services relating to the words the entered into the search engine. Google Adsense supplies ads according to the content of a given site. Thus, content that is carefully crafted around specific search terms, or keywords, will attract ads that are relevant to the site, making those ads closer to the wants and needs of the visitor. This increases the likelihood of the ads being clicked. The better the content, the more focused it is, the closer the ads will match the focus of the site.

Traffic is enhanced as site search engine ranking improves. Informative, engaging and original content that makes smooth and natural use of the right keyword phrases can significantly help search engine ranking. Originality is important, as duplicate content can be penalized or ignored by search engines. Continuously adding fresh content is also an important part of increasing traffic and attracting the sort of ads that are best for your site. Keywords should be used at a rate of about 3 to 8 times per 100 words of content. However, they should not be used in a manner that destroys the quality of the text, making it awkward and choppy sounding. Poorly written text that serves primarily as a flimsy background for keyword repetition is little better than spam, and you can expect that it will be treated as such.

Another mistake that users tend to make is not investing enough time in tracking results to see what works for their site and what doesn't. Experiment a little. Try different ad placements and other tweaks and keep an eye on the results. Not every plan works for every site, and you may have to individualize yours a bit to make the most of your Adsense earning potential. Slapping a string of code on your site and then forgetting it is not the way to make the most you can with Adsense.

By making sure to understand the way Google Adsense works, as well as the terms of service, you can avoid the common mistakes that can prevent you from achieving your full earning potential with this program. This system is designed to help you reach your financial goals, because it works best when everybody is making money. However, in order to work the Adsense system, you've got to invest a bit of your thought, time and effort. Do that, and you'll appreciate the return your investment brings.

About the Author

Seth Willis Jr. is the webmaster for he is an experienced internet marketer and has a lot of expertise with adsense." I created adsense school so that I could help others who are starting out and needed a resource and tutorial site to get started, the school is completely free and there for anyone with a desire to learn how to make an income using adsense."

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